Rep. Green Says Chinese Official Told ‘Baldfaced Lie’ that American Troops Unleashed Coronavirus on Wuhan


U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green called China’s statement that American troops committed biowarfare by unleashing the COVID-19 coronavirus on Wuhan a “baldfaced lie.”

A spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry, Lijian Zhao, made the post on his official Twitter account and included video of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield testifying before Congress, Fox Business reported.

Lijian tweeted, “CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

The outbreak of coronavirus was first detected in the city of Wuhan. Lijian’s statement comes after U.S. lawmakers accused China of hiding information about the outbreak.

In response, Green tweeted, “The only thing our soldiers have been known to bring the world is liberty, freedom, and democracy, something China’s government seems to keep quarantined. My statement on China’s baseless accusations against @USArmy HERE.”

He linked to his statement, which is here.

China’s foreign ministry just accused the U.S. of biowarfare. That is a boldfaced lie. COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan food market only miles away from a biosafety lab containing some of the world’s most dangerous pathogens. No American official has ever credited this virus as a creation of the Chinese government, and all the world’s scientists agree the vector was an animal in the Chinese live animal markets.

China arrested the doctors who alerted people. They did not warn the public. They forcibly shut citizens inside their homes without food and medicine. They wouldn’t allow CDC or WHO doctors to help. And now they have the audacity to blame America’s own troops! In their thirst for greatness, China will do anything to smear the United States. But China owns this—it’s their virus, that their totalitarian regime let loose through its own dishonesty and corruption.

The United States will hold China accountable for these lies. The only thing our soldiers have been known to bring the world is liberty, freedom, and democracy, something China’s government seems to keep quarantined.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Lijian Zhao” by Lijian Zhao.





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2 Thoughts to “Rep. Green Says Chinese Official Told ‘Baldfaced Lie’ that American Troops Unleashed Coronavirus on Wuhan”

  1. CCW

    The Chicoms should move their bio-labs. I am thinking about the Spratley Islands which they spent $Bns to raise the shore line to above flood stage, you know, the islands in the middle of the South China Sea. If they keep them on the mainland, next time they have a leak or a spill it could wipe them all out.

    Second, our crack 11 intelligence agencies previously run by those crack intelligence leaders, ie. Comey, Clapper, Brennan will surely know where the COVID19 came from. I wait to hear the consensus of those crack 11 intelligence agencies.

  2. Kevin

    Hopefully now Americans and American companies are starting to recognize the danger that Communist China represents to the free world, and demand that we get our factories out of there! We have exchanged our prized technology and ability to manufacture things for an endless stream of cheap, useless tchotchkes and fleeting corporate profits.
